God’s Story

These last few days of preparing to leave have been a whirlwind. It somehow is already the day before I leave and I’m just about ready. Besides a few packing tidbits and a trip to Verizon, I seem to have everything I need. Including funding!

Fundraising is probably one of the most exhausting, challenging and rewarding things I’ve done. I’ve never been good at asking people for support as I’ve grown into my own independent ways and can “figure it out for myself.” So you can see how fundraising is a humbling experience for me.

I’m beyond thankful, in awe and stoked that everything I needed came it without too much stress or worry. It’s sort of funny how that works. I knew all along that the Lord was going to provide if I was meant to be there, I just had to do my part and voice my needs. It’s clear I am called.

Here’s another faith story:

Yesterday, my friend Hannah and I dropped off all of the donated surfboards we collected from our friends and family to send on a shipping container out of Longbeach, to Papua New Guinea. There is a huge desire for a surf culture there as the waves are untouched, barreling and at the fingertips of a people group that is not very familiar with surfing (I encourage you to watch the documentary on Youtube called Splinters). They simply do not have the resources. However, kids line up down the beach to take turns on the few that have been shipped over there already.

Anyways, we learned that morning that it sometimes takes 60 days for the shipping containers to get there which means, all of the boards our friends donated, wouldn’t even get there while I was there.. such a bummer! I really was hoping to share the stoke personally and take photos of the kids receiving boards to share with everyone, and especially those that donated.

So, Hannah and I said a quick and childish prayer, “Lord bring us a board bag.” Amen.

A board bag would allow me to check two boards on the plane and be able to share the stoke with kids in PNG right away. We stopped in Sanclemente searching for a board bag and came up empty. Oh well. I can just buy one and pay a ton of extra money..

On our way to Longbeach, we had to stop by one more friend’s house to pick up the 3 boards he had decided that morning to donate to us. When we arrived at Carly and Anthony’s place, there was a long board, and two short boards in a board bag. I asked Carly, “And the bag too?”

“Yea, the bag is yours too.”

We now had two boards AND a board bag! So now, I can check a board bag with two surfboards and not show up empty handed in Papua New Guinea! The kids there are going to be so beyond excited!

How great is our God? How amazing of a provider is He? It’s in the small stuff. Sometimes we look for the huge radical life changers, but our God works in the small stuff too.

It’s undeniable how He’s been providing for this trip and I’m blown away. My friend Hannah said, “Why am I not surprised?” and I should be in the same boat. Why am I surprised that the Lord pulls through in our time of need? I’m so so beyond stoked on His desire to “show up” and provide.

I also said “see you later” to all of my best friends yesterday. It was sad, it was emotional, it was good, it was beautiful. I prayed to God for friends about two years ago and once again, He provided. I could not be more grateful with the graceful, beautiful, encouraging, loving and hilarious group of girls he’s placed in to my life. Wow wow wow. so many amazing things!

I can finally be excited about the trip. There’s been a lot of stress, a lot of anxiety, fear worry.. but now I’m excited for what he’s going to do in the next few days in my new temporary home.

NOW is when I need your prayer the most!

For safety in the airports and no confusion or miscommunication to happen. That I find my money exchanges, place to get my PNG visa and cellphone Sim card before my next flight, without being harmed by anyone.

God is on the move, and I cannot wait to be apart of His story even more so to see what He’s doing.

Ciao for now, my next post will be in Papua New Guinea in a few days!


4 thoughts on “God’s Story

  1. You are an amazibg young lady. Hope you have a wonderful adventure. Keep smiling, stay beautiful. 😊❤🙏🏻


  2. Love to you on your journey. You are in God’s hands girlie. We love you and thank you for what you are doing.


  3. What an exciting adventure! Bringing surfing to these kids! God is shining in you and your parents are beaming with pride! I pray that you can enjoy all this trip will give you.. I look forward to reading about this trip!


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